Analisis Perbandingan 4P Pada Toko Online dan Offline


  • Dewilia Sekar Setiasih Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis, Universitas Bina Bangsa
  • Fadilah Universitas Bina Bangsa
  • Syamsul Hidayat Universitas Bina Bangsa


Comparison, Strategy, 4P


Marketing is a human activity directed at fulfilling needs and desires through an exchange process. With the existence of internet technology in the business world, it is a very effective and efficient medium for disseminating information widely. Because information can be accessed by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Offline marketing to market widely may be quite difficult. Because offline marketing is local, if you have to open branches in various cities, you will need to incur quite expensive costs. Moreover, currently online shopping is a habit in society and a lifestyle that must be fulfilled, so it will give a different feeling of satisfaction when shopping for fashion offline. Based on research conducted on the 4P comparative analysis in online and offline stores, it can be concluded that the product must be has good quality, there are differences in price, the promotions carried out are different in both online and offline stores and the place or location must also be strategic. Based on research conducted on the 4P comparative analysis in online and offline stores, it can be concluded that the product must have good quality, there are differences in price, the promotions carried out are different in both online and offline stores and the place or location must also be strategic.


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How to Cite

Setiasih, D. S., Fadilah, & Hidayat, S. (2023). Analisis Perbandingan 4P Pada Toko Online dan Offline . Current Research on Practice Economics and Sharia Finance (CAPITAL), 1(3), 111–116. Retrieved from


